Breathe through anything.

Your essential online tool box of yogic-inspired breathing techniques designed specifically for busy people trying to manage stress & anxiety in their professional and personal lives. Created by a licensed psychotherapist and sound artist to help you understand how stress plays out in your life so that you can do something about it.

“Breathing is the simplest, safest, and most accessible way to shift physical, emotional, and mental states quickly.”

It begins with 3 minutes of practice per day.

The Nervous System First Aid Kit Includes:

  1. LIVE online classes that begin every Wednesday, May 8th at 6-7:30pm EST for 5 weeks. Classes are recorded & available for replay.

  2. Nervous system intro: 3x 6 minute video tutorials that teach you what you need to know about finding calm in a stressful world.

  3. 21x3-minute video practice meditations (short & very sweet) to help you calm, energize, or balance your nervous system. For ease of practice all exercises are available in audio and video format. 

  4. Original music composed to promote healing for each meditation.

  5. Your Nervous System on Stress: 5 audio podcasts for you to listen on your own time that describe in detail how stress affects your nervous system, how trauma affects your nervous system, as well as common misconceptions related to mental health and how you can take care of yourself with your breath.

  6. Pre-planned journeys to guide your 7-day, 14-day, or 21-day practice.

  7. Access to our online community for questions and support, as well as monthly live Q&A’s. 

Do you need to:

Calm, Balance or Energize?

The Calming Breath Series

Breathwork exercises to stimulate your parasympathetic nervous system, slow your breath down, and create a feeling of peacefulness and calm.

The Energizing Breath Series

Breathwork practices to increase your lung capacity and supercharge your nervous system. They uplift your mood, give focus, clear the mind and generate energy.

The Balancing Breath Series

Breathwork exercises that can be practiced regularly to develop resiliency and strength in the nervous system, as well as to improve lung capacity and mental focus & stamina.

How does it work?

  1. Learn

Your mental health is not as mysterious or as inaccessible as you might think. Your stress response is your body’s natural way of dealing with an overwhelming situation. Once you understand how your nervous system works, you can be more empowered to make changes and take action for your wellbeing.

You can know how to strengthen and support your nervous system so that it becomes stronger and can actually be with MORE stress. Education contextualizes and de-stigmatizes mental health symptoms and conditions so you can remember that:

You are not your stress.

Stress is something that you can control.

2. Practice

We emphasize practice first, theory second, because you learn by doing. But we also know that changing habits takes time and requires consistently showing up in order to be effective. Our breathwork techniques are only 3 minutes in length, so that you will do them with no excuses… (It takes about the same time it takes to brush your teeth). We want conscious breathing to become a daily habit that you can sustain long term.

You breathe anyways,

why not make it conscious?

3. Choose

The nervous system first aid kit allows you to choose your own adventure, because you are unique and so is your stress. Everyone experiences stress differently and so we have included a range of practices to meet you where you are at. The nervous system first aid kit includes the calming series, the balancing series and the relaxing series, as well as detailed explanations on which meditations to choose for what.

With practice you will be able to dose your breath like you would medicine.

4. Share

When you have a good thing, you naturally want to share it with others. Breathwork can be done solo and also with your family, friends, work colleagues, and random strangers you meet in the street. Breathing with others creates a special bond so that you don’t ever feel so alone.

And… beginning any new practice can feel a bit daunting, which is why when you purchase the Nervous System First Aid Kit you become part of the People of the Prana, a vibrant community of breathers located all over the world dedicated to support your and your practice.

Those who breathe together,

stay together.

Does trying new things feel scary?

Don’t worry, you can breathe your way through it.

Download BOX BREATH for FREE. Practice it and then let us know how you feel.