We are the

People of the Prana

and our mission is to help you slow your breath down.

The slower you can breathe, the calmer you will feel.

Did you know that

It takes only 3 minutes

to slow your breath down?

Like what you heard?

Then join us here.

Let’s tell it like it’s felt.

Stress feels real, is real, has real life consequences, and…

it’s not just you.

Stress is the normal response to overwhelming conditions.

Feeling stress & anxiety doesn’t mean that you’re not good enough or that something is wrong with you. Stress is a part of life and unfortunately is not going away anytime soon. Learning how to move through it, strengthen your nervous system and develop resiliency are probably the most useful skills that you need to navigate through these modern times.

The good news is that the most effective and easiest solution is literally with you all the time, you can do it anywhere, anytime, AND it’s absolutely free;

It’s your breath.

How do you expect to be good at managing your stress if you have never been taught?

And what can you do about it?


Live & Online classes include: Begin with Breath: Our Introduction to Breathing Course, Beat & Breath & our signature online Nervous System First Aid Series. Classes are curated by a licensed psychotherapist to help you understand and manage stress, anxiety, & burnout. Learning how to breathe is essential for these times.


Wake up & breathe. Designed to support you to develop & deepen into a daily breathing practice. LIVE weekday morning sessions from 6:30-7:00am EST. Suitable for beginners and more advanced practitioners. Sessions are also recorded & delivered to your inbox. Membership includes access to database of past recordings.


Prana for Professionals are breathing workshops & courses designed specifically to support your team, organization or group’s mental health needs. Specific courses offered for mental health professionals for self-care and professional development.

“… to integrate simple and effective breathwork practices into the fabric of daily life so that conscious breathing is your first response to any stressful situation.”

People of the Prana’s mission:

The antidote to stress is not LESS STRESS.

It’s actually having MORE PRANA


PRANA is pure life force energy, vitality, & creativity. It’s the powerful stuff that makes you beautiful, radiant, magnetic, energetic, enthusiastic, calm, confident, productive & ALIVE.

(you want to have a lot of this stuff)

The secret:



More prana means less stress because you have a greater vital energy to deal with whatever life throws at you, calmly and peacefully. Prana strengthens your nervous system, heals your body, and promotes a deep state of relaxation and joy.

“Hey there,

I’m Esther Kalaba a.k.a. “the breathing lady”.

“Believe it or not, in the same way that you learned how to read or ride a bike, you CAN learn to navigate uncertainty, overwhelm, & coast through the emotional ups and downs that happen in your life; those times when you do not know where to go, what to do, or how to do it.

In other words, times that feel stressful (we’ve all been there).

I teach how to breathe as part of my clinical psychotherapy practice because breathing is genuinely THE MOST effective and easiest way that I have found for my clients to regain a calm state of mind and body in a short time. Breathing helps develop the skills that are necessary to regulate mental and emotional states with ease. When practiced long term, breathing changes long standing nervous system patterns, including trauma.”

Consider this:

The very thing that keeps us alive, the breath, cannot be owned, kept, bought, sold or traded. It MUST be shared.

May you allow us to share it with you.